Causes and Treatment of Low Libido in Men

This post talks about the Causes and Treatment of Low Libido in Men. Sex drive is common. And it’s not always the woman who doesn’t feel like having sex. At certain times, men too (at certain times in their lives) don’t feel like having sex.

Causes and Treatment of Low Libido in Men1

What is Libido?

Libido is a person’s overall sexual drive or desire for sexual activity. Libido is influenced by biological, psychological, and social factors. Biologically, the sex hormones and associated neurotransmitters that act upon the nucleus accumbens regulate libido in humans. Wikipedia

Low libido can be said to be a decrease in sex drive that can hinder sexual activity. This has the potential to cause tension in a relationship, fostering doubt and guilt in both partners. Most times, it can be treated if the underlying cause is identified. 

There is a difference between Low libido and erectile dysfunction (ED), although the two conditions can co-exist. Treatments can vary and may involve psychotherapy, hormone replacement, lifestyle changes, or the adjustment of medications.

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What causes low libido in men?

Low libido can sometimes be caused by a single factor but is more often related to multiple factors that each contribute in their own way. Let’s look at the causes and possible treatment below

1. Stress and Sleep Disorders

People do not know that stress has an adverse effect on their sexual lives. Stress triggers the production of cortisol, a hormone that functions rather like a body’s built-in alarm system. Cortisol not only causes the constriction of blood vessels, contributing to ED, it can also cause a precipitous drop in testosterone.

Sleep deprivation (disorder)

Stress and insomnia go hand in hand and are linked to other sleep abnormalities. These can increase the risk of fatigue and leave you less interested in sex.

Treatment to stress and sleep disorder

Most experts will first try to resolve your sleeplessness and then may involve stress management techniques and improved sleep hygiene for insomnia. For the stress that is associated with an anxiety disorder, medications may be needed.

Note: You must be careful, because some anti-anxiety medications (the SSRIs) can lower your libido even more.

2. Low Testosterone

Testosterone is an important sex hormone in men. This is the feature that is responsible for typical male characteristics, such as facial hair and body muscle. This hormone also helps maintain sex drive and sperm production. 

Testosterone levels are at the summit during adolescence and early adulthood and drop as you age—declining about 1% to 2% a year beginning in your 30s.

Besides, it needs to be at a particular level else, you may have low testosterone (hypogonadism). 

Low testosterone is commonly experienced in older men, but it can occur in younger men as well. For younger men, a drop in testosterone levels can be caused by chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.

Note: Low testosterone levels rarely lead to erectile dysfunction.

Signs of low testosteron

Here are a few signs to show you have testosterone issues

  • drop in libido level
  • Little or no interest in sex
  • Body and facial hair loss
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Reduced muscle tone

Treatment to Low testosterone

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).

Note: TRT may put some older men at an increased risk for heart problems.

You need to see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

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Causes and Treatment of Low Libido in Men 2

Research has shown that certain medications may cause low libido in men. Some ofthe medicaions to watch out for are:

  • Anticonvulsants
  • Antidepressants
  • Antipsychotics
  • Beta-blockers
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Statins


It is recommended you stop or change the suspected drug. Although it is sometimes not possible due to certain chronic medications. Ensure talking to your physician before taking any action.

4. Depression

Depression and low libido are sometimes said to be 5 and 6. Depression lowers your sex drive, and lo makes it a tough situation. Furthermore, antidepressants can treat depression but can worsen the problems with sexual desire.

Note: For those taking an antidepressant and experiencing a lower sex drive, you may to talk to your doctor about lowering your dose. Switching to a different medication, including Wellbutrin (bupropion) or Remeron (mirtazapine) may also help. Bear in mind that it can take time for this side effect to go away.

Treatment can also be to make yourself happy. Come out of the depression zone so as to enjoy a healthy sexual life.

5. Chronic Illness

Some chronic illnesses tend to cause some levels of pain and fatigue which can take a toll on your sex drive. Some chronic diseases and conditions:

  • Arthritis
  • Cancer
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Diabetes
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Heart disease
  • Kidney failure

Most times, chronic illness is associated with an increased risk of depression. And this can directly interfere with hormonal, neurological, or vascular functions central to the male sex drive.

Moreover, the medications used to treat the chronic condition (such as chemotherapy or cardiovascular drugs) may directly impair the male libido. In such cases, you may need to speak with your doctor.

Causes and Treatment of Low Libido in Men

This some people do not know can cause a temporary low libido in men. There are certain things that can turn a man off during sexual intensity. This can be because he no longer feels attracted to his partner’s body, his partner does things that make him feel offended or that the sex is costing him too much energy. He may also be ashamed of sexual interests that he is afraid to share with his partner.

7. Alcohol and drug use

Excessive or chronic drinking of alcohol can result in reduced testosterone levels. This in turn reduces your sexual drive.

8. Too much (or too little) exercise

Frequent and high-intensity exercise is can adversely affect your sexual drive. Too little exercise can also lead to decreased libido in ways you never can imagine.

9. Obesity

Extra weight directly impairs metabolism and hormone function, resulting in significantly reduced total and free testosterone. Exercise and weight loss can enhance mood and energy levels with improved sexual function and self-image.

10. Smoking

Smoking has been discovered to adversely increase the risk of ED and indirectly impair sexual arousal.

In conclusion, note that the loss of sexual desire is not the same thing as the loss of a desire for intimacy. If you’re faced with the issue of low libido, talk to your doctor. There are lifestyle (points 7 to 10 are lifestyle-related) changes that may put you in the mood more often. The solution may even be changing a medication you are taking.

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