A beautiful woman falls in love with a handsome supermarket employee but becomes too shy to speak to him.

A young woman from Nigeria named @zandy489 visited a supermarket and noticed an extremely attractive man working as an attendant there.


A little video captured the lady in the store noticing the young man because of his good looks.

She surreptitiously recorded the stranger for her internet followers since she lacked the courage to approach him and convey her feelings.

The woman returned to the man’s place of employment at the store days after receiving feedback on her initial video.

Even though she liked the man, she was too reluctant to approach him and tell him how she felt. To get assistance, the woman had to post a TikTok video.
Many people questioned why she chose to record a brief video instead of speaking with the man at that time.
Days later, she recorded another video, telling her followers that she had finally worked up the guts to approach him at the same store.
At the time this report was being written, the video had more than 300 comments and 18,000 likes.