Amnesty International condemns Attack on NLC Headquarters

Amnesty International’s Country Director, Isa Sanusi, has condemned the recent invasion of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) headquarters in Abuja. The incident, which took place on Wednesday night, was denounced in a statement he released on Thursday.

Amnesty International Denounces Attack on NLC Headquarters

Sanusi described the raid as a “sinister and calculated attack” aimed at intimidating the labour union. He emphasized that this intrusion was carried out by armed security personnel, who forcefully entered the NLC headquarters under the cover of darkness.

“Amnesty International strongly condemns the brazen invasion of the Nigeria Labour Congress headquarters by armed security personnel,” Sanusi stated. “The chilling raid last night appears to be part of a sinister and calculated attack designed to intimidate the labour union.”

During the raid, security forces searched the NLC premises, including its bookshop, and confiscated materials they claimed were used to incite and organize recent protests. This has raised significant concern about the safety and security of NLC officials and members.

Expressing deep concern, Sanusi said, “We are deeply troubled by the safety of NLC officials. Under international human rights law and standards, trade unions cannot be targeted for their activities. The recent events are a serious violation of these principles.”

Amnesty International reiterated that Nigeria has a legal and moral obligation to respect and protect the rights of trade unions as stipulated under international human rights law.

Sanusi further added, “Under international human rights law, Nigeria is not only obliged to respect the rights of trade unions but also to ensure these rights are protected from any form of abuse.”

The raid on the NLC headquarters has intensified fears of a broader crackdown on labour activism in Nigeria. The NLC, known for its vocal opposition to various government policies, has been a prominent force in recent protests. This attack is widely seen as an attempt to silence the union and curtail its influence.

The incident has drawn widespread condemnation, with calls for the Nigerian government to uphold the rights of its citizens, including those of labour unions, and to avoid actions that could escalate tensions or undermine democratic principles.

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