BREAKING: FIFA Bans Russian National Anthem, Flag From Games

World’s football governing body, FIFA has ordered the Russian national team to play their upcoming matches without the Russian national anthem and flag.

BREAKING: FIFA Bans Russian National Anthem, Flag From Games

FIFA also ordered the Football Union of Russia to play its matches in neutral territory, following the invasion of Ukraine.

Earlier, many football nations announced their refusal to play against Russia, including England, Poland, the Czech Republic and Sweden.

Recall that Russian President, Vladimir Putin launched a military invasion of neighboring Ukraine on Thursday.

Fifa in it’s announcement said talks will take place with other sporting organizations to decide whether Russia would be expelled from competitions.

“Fifa would like to reiterate its condemnation of the use of force by Russia in its invasion of Ukraine,” world football’s governing body said in a statement on Sunday.

“Violence is never a solution and Fifa expresses its deepest solidarity to all people affected by what is happening in Ukraine.”

“Fifa will continue its ongoing dialogue with the International Olympic Committee, Uefa, and other sports organizations to determine any additional measures or sanctions, including potential exclusion from competitions, that shall be applied in the near future should the situation not be improving rapidly.

“Fifa’s thoughts remain with everybody affected by this shocking and worrying situation.”

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