Fan of Saida Boj Says Only Broke Men Disagree with Her

A passionate supporter of Saida Boj has come forward to back her claims, insisting that only financially struggling men oppose the views she advocates.

Fan of Saida Boj Says Only Broke Men Disagree with Her

The dedicated fan firmly stands by her mentor’s principles, expressing a clear preference for a partner who can provide her with at least N500,000 within the first 24 hours of meeting.

She argues that those who criticize her expectations lack the financial means to meet her standards. According to her, wealthy men would not object to Saida Boj’s statements because they wouldn’t find it difficult to spend such an amount on a woman.

The video has sparked intense reactions online. Here are some of the comments:

@Web3Enthusiast0 remarked, “Again for Nigerian women, men are the prize. Men will always be the prize.”

@Ishow_leck opined, “From the way she speaks, you can tell she wants internet fame and is trying to market herself. True baddies with money and a classy lifestyle don’t shout about it like this. It’s always the broke and unattractive ones.”

@BreakingSparrow commented, “There’s one foolish man spending money on this lady, that’s why… When you stop deceiving yourselves, women will stop talking like this.”

@iamdamiosky said, “Now we need the EFCC to start investigating those people flaunting 20 million here and there. Are we not in the same economy?”

@Tobillion_1 asked, “How much do you have in your account?”

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