I’m not searching, I have boys servicing me – Korra Obidi says

Korra Obidi, a well-known dancer and socialite, recently caught everyone’s attention with a revealing interview where she shared details about her personal life and financial ambitions.

I’m not searching, I have boys servicing me – Korra Obidi spills

In the interview, Korra talked openly about having several men in her life, whom she described as “servicing” her, referring to them as her sexual partners.

She also highlighted her strong commitment to financial independence. Korra humorously remarked that if she ever decides to remarry, her new husband would take on a role similar to a “wife” since she places a high value on her independence and financial security.

Read also: Why being single is good in the entertainment industry – Korra Obidi

Korra shared insights into the benefits of being single in the entertainment industry, noting the significant progress she has made since her divorce. She pointed out that marriage can sometimes hinder opportunities in the industry because public interest tends to wane over time.

However, she observed that once someone becomes single again, there is a resurgence of interest and support from the public and industry professionals.

Korra concluded by stating that being single is the best choice for her career in entertainment.

Her words were:

“One thing about us humans is that when somebody’s married, I don’t know why, but people seem to lose interest in them. They say ‘ahh happy married life’, and then suddenly, ‘she can’t be on my show,’ ‘she can’t be in my movie.’ But now that I’m single, I’m getting booked back to back, so it’s good for me. I think being single is good in the industry.”

Watch her speak in the video below:

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