Mother of Angel Unigwe Takes Legal Action Against Kanayo O. Kanayo

The mother of actress Angel Unigwe has initiated legal proceedings against veteran actor Kanayo O. Kanayo, citing breach of contract and defamation.

Mother of Angel Unigwe Takes Legal Action Against Kanayo O. Kanayo

On June 21, 2024, Kanayo O. Kanayo publicly criticized Angel Unigwe on social media, accusing her of failing to honor a production contract they had agreed upon. He claimed that Angel’s mother, Juliet Kings Unigwe, has a history of breaching contracts by pulling her daughter out of film sets prematurely. Kanayo further threatened to hinder any future film projects involving the young actress.

Response from Angel Unigwe’s Mother

Juliet Kings Unigwe responded to these allegations through a press statement posted on Angel’s Instagram page. She described the accusations as false and harmful, and announced that legal measures are being taken to address the situation.

“First, for the public record, we wish to state categorically that we hold sacred the terms of any contract we enter into and are fully committed to fulfilling all lawful obligations required of us under such contracts.

“We vehemently deny the false accusations and slanderous statements contained in Mr. Kanayo’s video. We want to assure the public that we have done no such thing and are deeply hurt by these unfounded allegations.”

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The legal battle between Juliet Kings Unigwe and Kanayo O. Kanayo underscores the importance of honoring contractual agreements in the entertainment industry. As this case unfolds, it will likely attract significant attention, shedding light on the professional conduct expected within the industry.

Moving Forward

Both parties are preparing for what could be a lengthy legal process. This case highlights the complexities and potential disputes that can arise in the entertainment business, emphasizing the need for clear communication and adherence to contractual obligations.

By bringing this matter to court, Juliet Kings Unigwe seeks not only to clear her daughter’s name but also to set a precedent for upholding integrity and respect in the industry.

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