Nigerian Bar Association Clarifies LGBTQ Rights Stand in Samoa Loan Deal

The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) has issued a clarification regarding Nigeria’s stance on same-sex marriage amid the recent discussions surrounding the Samoa agreement.

Nigerian Bar Association Clarifies LGBTQ Rights Stand in Samoa Loan Deal

In a statement released on Monday, July 8, NBA President Yakubu Maikyau emphasized that contrary to widespread beliefs, the $150 billion loan agreement with Samoa does not impose any requirement on Nigeria to accept LGBTQ or gay rights.

According to Maikyau, “The agreement explicitly respects local laws and the sovereignty of each participating nation.”

He further explained, “Specifically, the SAMOA agreement acknowledges Nigeria’s Same Sex Marriage (Prohibition) Act of 2023 and upholds the supremacy of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1999 (as amended).”

The NBA underscored that if the agreement had mandated Nigeria to endorse LGBTQ rights, they would have advised against any partnership that could undermine national sovereignty.

“To clarify further, the SAMOA agreement does not aim to alter our existing legislation or compromise Nigeria’s sovereignty,” the statement affirmed.

Prior to signing the SAMOA agreement, the Minister of Budget and Economic Planning sought the NBA’s input as a significant stakeholder. In response, NBA President Maikyau appointed a committee chaired by Mr. Olawale Fapohunda, SAN, former Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice of Ekiti State, to review and provide recommendations on the agreement.

The SAMOA Agreement, named after the country where it was signed, serves as a comprehensive legal framework between the European Union member states and more than half of the Organisation of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States (OACPS) members. It provides a basis for negotiating specific agreements covering democracy and human rights, sustainable economic growth, climate change, human and social development, peace and security, as well as migration and mobility.

Maikyau urged the government to enhance public awareness efforts and encouraged all stakeholders to combat the negative perceptions surrounding the agreement.

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