Prison Break: Prisoners Escape as Rainstorm Destroys Facility in Niger

In a shocking turn of events, the Suleja Correctional Center in Niger state witnessed a mass escape of inmates following the destruction caused by a powerful rainstorm.

Prisoners Escape as Rainstorm Destroys Facility in Niger
credit: Punchng

Prison Break: A Rainy Night’s Chaos

A significant but unspecified number of prisoners managed to break free from the confines of the Suleja Correctional Centre, situated in the Suleja Local Government area of Niger state. The calamity unfolded as a fierce rainstorm battered the region, resulting in the collapse of a section of the prison’s inner fencing.

The torrential rain that swept through the area on Wednesday night played a crucial role in the inmates’ bid for freedom. With a part of the prison’s infrastructure compromised, detainees seized the opportunity to make a dash for liberty.

Reports indicate that the security personnel stationed at the facility were caught off guard as the prisoners made a bold charge towards them during the chaos. Despite efforts to contain the situation, the sheer number of escaping inmates proved overwhelming.

Manhunt Underway: Tracking Down the Escapees

In the wake of the prison break, a concerted effort has been initiated to locate and apprehend the fugitives. Security forces have been deployed to potential hideouts where the escaped prisoners might seek refuge.

According to sources, law enforcement officers resorted to firing warning shots into the air in a bid to flush out the inmates from their hiding spots. Meanwhile, heightened security measures have been implemented along key routes leading out of the state, including the Minna-Suleja and Suleja-Kaduna roads, as well as the Madalla axis to Abuja road, which are deemed likely escape routes.

Prisoners Escape as Rainstorm Destroys Facility in Niger 1

The Numbers Game: Assessing the Extent of the Breakout

Initial reports suggest that a staggering 119 inmates managed to flee the correctional facility before authorities could regain control of the situation. The scale of the escape underscores the challenges faced by security forces in containing such incidents.

Official Response: Insights from the Federal Capital Territory Command

Adamu Duza, the spokesperson for the Federal Capital Territory Command of the Nigeria Correctional Service (NCoS), provided insights into the unfolding events. In a statement issued on Thursday morning, Duza confirmed the extent of the damage caused by the rainstorm.

He stated, “A heavy downpour that lasted for several hours on the night of Wednesday, 24 April 2024, has wreaked havoc on the Medium Security Custodial Centre, Suleja, Niger state, as well as surrounding buildings, destroying part of the custodial facility, including its perimeter fence, giving way to the escape of a total of 118 inmates of the facility.”

Efforts to Restore Order: Recapturing Escaped Prisoners

Duza reassured the public that immediate measures were deployed to recapture the fleeing inmates. He noted that these efforts had already yielded positive results, with at least 10 inmates successfully reincarcerated.

“The Service wishes to assure the public that it is on top of the situation and that they should go about their businesses without fear or hindrance. The public is further enjoined to look out for the fleeing inmates and report any suspicious movement to the nearest security agency,” emphasized Duza.

State of Emergency: Action from the Niger Governor

In response to the crisis, Governor Mohammed Umaru Bago declared a state of emergency in Niger state, signaling a decisive move to tackle the escalating security challenges facing the region. The declaration underscores the gravity of the situation and the urgent need for comprehensive measures to address the underlying issues, particularly those related to insurgent activities plaguing the state.

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