Speed Darlington Lashes Out as Village Elders Remove His Wife Search Signpost

Speed Darlington, the outspoken musician, has expressed his frustration towards his village elders for dismantling a signpost he put up to announce his search for a wife.

speed villagers signpost

Taking to social media, Darlington shared his disappointment, emphasizing how crucial his quest for a wife is to him. He accused the village elders, who are already married, of not wanting him to find a wife like theirs. Highlighting his success, he pointed out that he even has a personal chef, urging them not to underestimate him.

The incident sparked a variety of reactions online:

rich_minded_._ commented: “😂😂😂😂😂 This man is a pure comedian, just looking at him makes me start laughing 😂”

ladyjasminec added: “Akpi, ask Portable for an update so we can get some peace from you 😂😂😂😂😂”

youngmoney140 questioned: “I thought this guy lives in America or is a returnee??”

taaatibg remarked: “If women can marry Portable, why are they shying away from Akpi? 😂”

cherry25634 stated: “Since I was born, this man has been looking for a wife.”

Watch the video below…

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