Third World War: T.B Joshua’s Old Prophecy About Iran-Israel Clash Resurfaces, Nigerians React

A prophecy from the late Prophet T.B Joshua has resurfaced, sparking renewed discussions among Nigerians regarding the potential eruption of the Third World War and a clash between Israel and Iran.

T.B Joshua's Old Prophecy About Iran-Israel Clash Resurfaces, Nigerians React

The Prophet’s Forecast about Iran – Isreal War

In an old video that has gained traction once again, T.B Joshua foretold a looming confrontation between Iran and Israel. He warned that this clash could escalate into a global conflict of unprecedented scale. According to Joshua, the involvement of major nations would exacerbate the situation, leading to what he described as World War III.

Reactions in Nigeria online on X Platform about the Iran-Isreal War prophecy

The resurfacing of Joshua’s prophecy has captured the attention of Nigerians, prompting varied reactions across the country. Some view it with apprehension, fearing the catastrophic consequences of such a conflict. Others perceive it as a timely reminder of the need for diplomatic efforts to prevent tensions from spiraling out of control.

@itspauldaniels said:

It’s actually a very serious war that can set the entire Middle East ablaze. The triggers are there for world powers to step in and take sides, and this might wipe out the entire human race, as you said.

Emray Owolabi called for prayers. He stated:

Wow it’s already happening. Let’s pray it doesn’t go beyond what it is now.

Sesan Akin revealed the bible verse. He wrote:

Anyone confused about what is going on between Israel and Iran should read Ezekiel 38 & 39.

Sesan Akin

@firstladyshipPA tweeted:

This T.B. Joshua prophecy has no meaning but is just a mere prediction, if you follow global politics, you can predict world events or wars. Right now the world doesn’t want major war. Any major war between two major powers will be disastrous and plugged the world economy to a level we have not seen.


Fj_Ng said:

If it’s nothing like we’ve never seen, then I’ll assume it’s the great tribulation the Bible said about because that’s the only war that will be greater than wars ever heard of. If tension continues to rise, I guess the “man of peace” will rise—the antichrist promising peace.

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The Significance of T.B Joshua Prophecy Video about Iran-Isreal War

As tensions between Iran and Israel persist, the reappearance of this prophecy has added fuel to an already heated global discourse. It serves as a sobering reminder of the fragility of international relations and the potential ramifications of geopolitical conflicts.

Urgency for Preventive Measures

T.B Joshua emphasized the importance of proactive measures to avert the impending crisis. He urged world leaders to prioritize dialogue and diplomacy, underscoring the imperative of preventing a descent into war. His words resonate deeply in the current context, highlighting the necessity for concerted efforts to de-escalate tensions and promote peace.

Read also:

The resurgence of T.B Joshua’s prophecy has reignited discussions about the precarious state of global affairs. As Nigerians grapple with the implications of his foresight, it underscores the pressing need for vigilance, cooperation, and diplomacy on the world stage. Only through collective action can the specter of a Third World War be effectively mitigated.