Verydarkman Criticizes Obi Cubana Over Recent Comments

Controversial critic Verydarkman has strongly criticized businessman Obi Cubana following his recent remarks.

Verydarkman Criticizes Obi Cubana Over Recent Comments

It all began when Obi Cubana called on blogs to avoid promoting videos of youths disrespecting elders. This came after Verydarkman faced backlash for his comments about Iyabo Ojo, prompting a response from her partner Paulo Okoye.

Reacting to Obi Cubana’s statement, Verydarkman took to Instagram to express his disagreement. He emphasized that his discomfort stemmed from Obi Cubana’s failure to address important issues affecting young people, instead focusing on lavish spending.

According to Verydarkman, Obi Cubana’s lavish displays overshadow crucial societal issues. He criticized Obi Cubana for not using his influence to advocate for youth employment and other pressing concerns.

cubana obi
very darkblack man

In his own words:

“The reason why people are upset is because I expose their wrongdoing. Young people have been crying out, yet you remain silent on critical issues, choosing to flaunt wealth instead of addressing societal problems. Unlike you, in the North where I’m from, money isn’t worshipped.”

Check out the video below for more insights…

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