Why You Shouldn’t Panic if Your Husband Marries Me as a Second Wife

A young Nigerian woman, Na’ima Hudu, offers reassurance to wives on how she intends to manage their husband in a way that benefits everyone if she becomes a second wife.

Why You Shouldn't Panic if Your Husband Marries Me as a Second Wife

In a heartfelt Facebook post on Saturday, June 22, 2024, Na’ima outlined her thoughtful and considerate plan to ensure a harmonious marriage as a second wife. She emphasized avoiding unhealthy competition and refraining from any diabolical methods.

Na’ima assured she would never mistreat their children and promised not to interfere with calls or chats between the husband and his first wife in the polygamous arrangement.

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Why You Shouldn’t Panic if Your Husband Takes Me as a Second Wife

“If your husband tells you he plans to marry me as a second wife, please, don’t panic! Because…

I am not marrying our husband to compete with you. You are my sister in Islam, and sharing a husband does not make either of us less worthy. By Allah, I do not believe in visiting seers or soothsayers. I have never seen my mother or sisters engage in such practices, and with Allah’s guidance, I will NEVER follow that path as long as I live.

I will not encourage our husband’s bad behavior towards you. I will always remind him of his duties and guide him whenever he strays. I do not care if your food is not to his liking or if he finds you less appealing in any way.

My friends, sisters, or even parents will never advise me to hurt or mistreat you or your children. I don’t even have family members who would do this. My sisters are yours, just as my mother is your mother. If I offend you, call my mother to complain. In fact, my sisters would likely support you more as they are all first wives and may even be jealous of me.

Your children are like my own, and my home is always open to them. I fear not your reaction if I mistreat them but Allah’s punishment. So know that, even in your absence, I will not harm them.

It’s natural for us to feel jealous, especially if our husband shows more affection to one of us. However, what is not normal is trying to hurt me or paint me in a bad light to gain his pity.

On your days, I will do my best not to interrupt with calls or chats so you can enjoy your time together. I expect the same courtesy from you. Of course, this does not apply in emergencies or important matters.

So, don’t worry, my sister. I pray Allah blesses our marriage with our husband.”

Why you shouldnt panic if your husband takes me as a second wife – Lady msg

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