5 Reasons Why You Should Not Rush A Relationship

There are so many reasons you may want to give as to why you may rush a relationship and these might include pressure from family, friends, and maybe other things but, you should know that rushing a relationship or putting pressure on your partner to do certain things that they may not be comfortable with will do you more harm than good. 

rush a relationship

Rushing a relationship and putting pressure on your partner because of certain things makes you look cheap and desperate. You should learn to take your time when you get into a relationship. Study your partner, try to build trust and establish a deep connection between the both of you.

If you rush a relationship, you end up missing out on the good and sweet part of a relationship and you might even end up pushing your partner away.

In this article, I will be giving you some reasons why you shouldn’t rush a relationship.


  1. It makes you look desperate: When you rush a relationship and put pressure on your partner to do things which they naturally do not want to do, it makes them see you as cheap and desperate. Once your partner sees you as a desperate person, they begin to lose interest in you and also lose the respect they have for you.
  2. It may push your partner away: When you force things in a relationship and pressure your partner to do certain things, you may end up pushing your partner away. No one likes to be pressured into doing things. You should allow your partner to do those things that you want naturally.
reasons not to rush a relationship
  1. You might end up with the wrong person. Let’s take for example, you are in a relationship that you feel is supposed to lead to marriage and your partner acts like he or she is not thinking in that direction and because of this, you pressure them into giving you what you want. Most times, when this happens you begin to realise that they are not the type of person you want or they are not good for you and with this you get to spend the rest of your life with the wrong person because you didn’t take your time to study them.
  2. It makes your partner lose value for you: When you rush a relationship, it makes you look desperate just as I have said before and when your partner knows that you are desperate, they begin to devalue you and make you feel less of yourself.
  3. You end up missing out on the good part of the relationship: Relationship is a time when you get to know your partner well, build trust and connection between you two and also learn to love each other more. When you rush a relationship, you end up missing out on this good part.

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In conclusion, I have given you reasons why you shouldn’t rush a relationship and also things you get to miss if you rush a relationship. I have also shown you how rushing a relationship can affect you as a person and also affect your partner.