Baby Chooses Nigerian Eba Over Infant Formula

Baby Chooses Nigerian Eba Over Infant Formula

A mixed-race baby has captured hearts by abandoning infant formula in favor of the traditional Nigerian dish, Eba, paired with draw soup. This charming moment showcases the baby’s enthusiastic preference for the flavorful meal.

Baby Chooses Nigerian Eba Over Infant Formula

In a heartwarming video, the baby’s father, who had originally prepared the meal for himself, is seen feeding his son. The baby eagerly pulls on his father’s hand, clearly wanting more of the delicious food and expressing his impatience with adorable babbling sounds.

The baby’s excitement and enjoyment of the Nigerian dish have delighted many viewers. Nigerians, in particular, have found the video endearing and are proud to see their cuisine being appreciated in such a delightful manner.

Watch the adorable video below

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