Bobrisky Sentenced to 6 Months in Jail for Naira Abuse

Nigerian activist JJ Omojuwa shared his thoughts on the recent sentencing of Idris Okuneye, known as Bobrisky, to six months in prison without the option of a fine for mishandling the naira.

Bobrisky Sentenced to 6 Months in Jail for Naira Abuse

Bobrisky, a well-known figure for his unconventional style, faced charges in a Lagos federal court brought by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) for damaging the naira, an act considered a crime under Nigerian law.

Omojuwa expressed his view, suggesting that Bobrisky should have the opportunity to appeal the sentence, particularly because it was his first offense and he had pleaded guilty promptly. He questioned whether there were hidden motives behind the severity of the punishment.

In a tweet, Omojuwa wrote: “I hope there’s room for appeal. This person is a first-time offender who immediately pleaded guilty. 6-months without a fine makes it appear like there are motives beyond what has been spelt out. It’d be one of the most bizarre carriages of ‘justice’ you’d ever see in Nigeria.”

However, reactions from Nigerians varied. Some disagreed with Omojuwa, arguing that the court’s decision was in line with the law, emphasizing that no exceptions should be made for Bobrisky just because of his status.

Some Nigerians reactions to Bobrisky Sentenced to 6 Months in Jail for Naira Abuse:

Akorede Omo Oba stated, “I think there is precedence on this case. The other lady who was prosecuted for the same offence got the same sentence without the option of a fine. Bob should not get preferential treatment.”

Omolara said the judgment was delivered accordingly: “I don’t have any iota of pity for him. He/she/Them/They can go extinct. The judgment is at the discretion of the judge. It’s important for justice to be served and to act as a deterrent to others. (They are coming for them all) and he is definitely not a first-time offender. I have seen several videos showing him mutilating the Naira.”

Arakunrun Owolabi wrote,

“Bobrisky deserves a bail and should be given a second chance, but the law has spoken anyway. Since there’s no law that prohibits cross-dressing. He’s free to do whatever he wishes, though his act is alien to our culture and may be regarded as immoral.

“It’s a lesson for everyone, including Socialites.

“Penalty for Naira Abuse should not be discriminatory irrespective of anyone’s social class, and the law of the land MUST be Supreme.”

Suleiman Tajudeen believed Bobrisky should appeal the judgment.

“It is unbelievably harsh! There is room for an appeal, and his lawyers should get to work quickly!”

Akinboy maintained that Bobrisky would have finished his jail term before the hearing of the judgment.

He tweeted,

“He would have finished his jail term before any appeal is concluded.”

The sentencing of Bobrisky has sparked diverse opinions among Nigerians, reflecting the complexities of justice and societal norms. As the debate continues, it underscores the importance of fair treatment under the law and the need for a balanced approach to addressing societal issues.

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