How Jesus Nonchalantly Stood Aside While My Enemies Came for Me – Bovi

How Jesus Nonchalantly Stood Aside While My Enemies Came for Me – Bovi

Nigerian comedian and actor, Bovi Ugboma, shares a gripping account of his life struggles and his courageous fight against two formidable enemies who nearly overpowered him.

How Jesus Nonchalantly Stood Aside While My Enemies Came for Me – Bovi

In a heartfelt Instagram post, Bovi recounted how Jesus seemed to stand by passively as he faced attacks from the forces of hell. He revealed that he had two extremely powerful enemies—one male and one female—though he chose to keep their identities secret to protect his loved ones from potential harm.

Bovi’s Battle with His Enemies

Bovi opened up about his confrontation with these adversaries, saying, “How Jesus nonchalantly stood aside and watched the host of hell come for me.”

“I once had two very powerful enemies. One man and one woman. I will withhold their identities for the safety of my loved ones, who may not be fortified. As for me, I don’t need any protection; I’m charmed, as I have come to find out.”

He reflected on his initial belief that he could navigate life without making enemies, only to realize the harsh truth: “I thought I could go through life without having enemies. I’ve learned the hard way that if you don’t come for them, they will come for you. Nothing stays the same.”

The Covetous Male Enemy

Describing his male adversary, Bovi said, “My male enemy suffered from the spirit of covetousness. Everything I owned, he wanted. It became so bad that I pretended to like garbage so he would fall in love with it, and he became full of it.”

The Jealous Female Enemy

His female enemy, on the other hand, was plagued by jealousy: “She was so jealous that whatever I aimed to get, if she was in the room, she would kill it. She had a very demonic persuasion that convinced angels God sent to help me. My offense; I was light, she was darkness.”

The Ultimate Betrayal

The culmination of their hostility occurred when the female enemy seized an opportunity meant for Bovi and handed it to his male adversary. “It was the first time they came together to attack me, even though they were never friends. But I wasn’t surprised because, you know what they say: the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

How Jesus Nonchalantly Stood Aside While My Enemies Came for Me – Bovi 1
How Jesus Nonchalantly Stood Aside While My Enemies Came for Me – Bovi 1

Bovi’s Response

Despite his disappointment, Bovi decided to confront his enemies with a bold message. He wrote, “I see you and all you do. Don’t stop until you dance naked in the market.”

Bovi’s story is a powerful reminder of resilience and courage in the face of adversity. His account not only highlights the challenges he has faced but also underscores the strength required to overcome such trials.

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