IK Osakioduwa’s Perspective on Sharing Responsibilities in Marriage

IK Osakioduwa’s Perspective on Sharing Responsibilities in Marriage

In a recent online podcast hosted by Toke Makinwa, well-known media personality IK Osakioduwa opened up about his views on marital roles and financial responsibilities with his wife.

IK Osakioduwa's Perspective on Sharing Responsibilities in Marriage

IK emphasized that despite his wife’s substantial earnings, he firmly believes in his role as the provider in their marriage. He expressed that he could never split things 50-50 with his wife, highlighting the importance he places on fulfilling the traditional role of a provider.

Toke Makinwa, the podcast host, echoed IK’s sentiments, suggesting that historically, it hasn’t been the norm for women to work outside the home until more recent times. She acknowledged that traditionally, men have typically been expected to be the primary providers for their families.

IK Osakioduwa

IK Osakioduwa agreed with this perspective, adding that he views his wife’s primary role as providing companionship and supporting him emotionally. He mentioned that although his wife does contribute financially when necessary, he would never insist on or expect her to do so.

For those interested in hearing more about IK’s thoughts on this topic, you can watch the full video below.

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