Nigerian lady in pains as she mistakenly sends Uber driver N100k

A woman recently shared a distressing experience on social media. She accidentally transferred N100k to her Uber driver instead of the intended N10k.

Nigerian lady in pains as she mistakenly sends Uber driver N100k

On her Twitter handle, @Fayokunmii, she recounted the unfortunate incident.

Initially, the fare was N7300, but she decided to tip the driver N10k. However, during the transfer, she mistakenly input N100k instead.

Expecting the driver to return N90k after deducting his fee, she was shocked when he only sent back N85k, keeping the extra N5k as a tip.

Understandably, the woman was furious, feeling it was unjust for the driver to take her money without her consent.

Here’s a glimpse of her post:

Fayokunmii chat1
Fayokunmii chat2

Netizens react

Reactions poured in from other users:

@JOHNIIIIZ commented: “Next time, you might not be so lucky. Is losing 5k worth the lesson?”

@Moyosoreolu_wa added: “He didn’t even wait for you to tip him, just took it himself. That’s not right.”

@shevi_boi wrote: “You have to bear the consequences of your mistake.”

@DrMel_ said: “Haha, he probably thinks he’s being generous by returning most of it. Taking 5k that isn’t yours is just wrong.”

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