Painful Love End: When genotype made me lose the love of my life

This is a story about love, genotype, and the tough choices faced by two lovers. Love can be like a rollercoaster—exciting at first, but it can take unexpected turns. In relationships, things change all the time, and not every love story has a happy ending.

Painful Love End When genotype made me lose the love of my life
Source: AI generated image

Todays’s series, How Love Ends, shares real stories from real people who have loved and lost.

Today, Tina shares her Painful Love End story:

How did you meet your ex? We met through a friend in 2017. He was crashing at my friend’s place, so we got close quickly. We did everything together and clicked right away.

When did you two start dating?

He popped the question in December 2018, and I said Yes in January 2019.

What was your relationship like?

It was one of the best I’ve experienced. I’ve only dated three people, and he was the third. We clicked instantly, doing everything together. It felt like we were already a couple before he officially asked me out. He wasn’t just my partner but also my closest friend. I admired his maturity the most.

Painful Love End When genotype made me lose the love of my life3
Source: AI generated image

Looking back, I can’t help but feel regret. I wish I had thought it over before saying yes. Maybe I could’ve avoided the heartbreak that came with discovering our genetic differences.

When did that happen?

It was during the lockdown in 2020 when we both enrolled in an online class about marriage and genetics. He already knew his genotype because his mom is a doctor, but I hadn’t thought about it before. He encouraged me to get tested, but I hesitated because I was afraid of what the result might mean for our relationship.

Why did you eventually decide to get tested?

I had to get tested for my NYSC medicals. The first result showed AA, but he knew it was incorrect because he had asked about my mom’s genotype, which is SC. Since my dad is AA, it didn’t make sense. He urged me to test again, but I refused.

When did you finally find out?

I eventually had to get tested again, and the result was AC. He even sent me money for a third test just to confirm. The result remained the same: AC.

Painful Love End When genotype made me lose the love of my life2
Source: AI generated image

How did you feel when you learned you two weren’t genotype-compatible?

It was devastating. We had plans for our future, but now we knew it wasn’t possible. At first, I tried to hide the truth, but he could sense something was amiss. When I finally showed him the results, it was a harsh reality check.

How did he react?

Initially, he felt sad and disappointed, but he also understood. We both knew our genotypes couldn’t be changed.

Did you try to find a solution?

We discussed options like IVF, but we realized it wasn’t the right path for us. His mom, being a doctor, wouldn’t approve of him marrying someone with AS genotype. She had seen the struggles her AS brother and his wife faced with their child’s health issues.

What was the toughest part of breaking up?

The hardest part was losing the love of my life. Our bond was so strong, and imagining life without him was incredibly tough.

How have you dealt with the breakup?

It’s been a journey, but I’m slowly healing. I’m focusing on my own happiness and trying to be open to new connections, although it’s challenging. I still love my ex deeply, but I know I need to let go and move forward.

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