Relationship advise that can change your love life forever

Relationship advise that can change your love life forever

Love is a beautiful thing… Love life is not all about romantic ideas and sweet stories as Indian movies portray. No offense, please. Love is all about actions of sacrifice, fortitude, faithfulness, and love itself to bring joy to the one you truly love.

change your love life

Also, It is not just for people in a romantic relationship but it’s also for the ones who hope, believe, and dream of a genuine love which is happening or about to happen in their lives.

15 tips to help you improve your love life whether you’re single, married or in a relationship:

1. Know the difference between love and sex.

Sex does not define love. Love involves a deeper, broader and more powerful connection while sex involves sexual attraction. To improve your love life, aim for true love, not for sexual pleasures. Let your focus be on satisfaction by showing real love, supported by your patience, compassion, faithfulness, loyalty, and humility – not your sensuality.

ALSO READ: What happens when your man’s sex drive is lower than yours

2. Don’t ever get too old for romance

Married or not, never stop dating your spouse. Love is active. Don’t make it all about the children. They won’t be around forever, but the two of you will.”

Read also: What relationship advice to give to someone

3. Be fit and healthy

Your physical health and mental health affect your love life. Love flows through your heart and brain, and if your body and immune system are weak, you might not be able to handle the pressure and stress caused by love. Hence, don’t miss your regular exercise and a healthy diet.

4. Inner beauty development

You are beautiful be it on the inside and outside. Be loving and lovable.

Ensure to practice what you preach. Do not just say verbally I love you rather show your partner you truly do. Actions speak louder than words. Let them know you care by being there for them.

6. Put your money to good use

Jesus said you can not serve two masters at the same time. You need to pick a hustle. Either you serve money or love but better to serve the latter than the former. Ensure to use the money to finance your love. Hence, don’t waste your money on unnecessary expenses. Save them to support your affair. A good bank account is good for your relationship.

7. Make money

To have a wonderful affection, you need to work harder to grow your income, whether you are earning it from employment or business. For better for worse does not mean that your partner is destined to suffer in the relationship or marriage. You need to nourish it and this involves things like calling, going on outings to mention a few. Be wise nd have savings too for future purposes.

8. Improve the quality of your time together.

Ensure to create memorable moments in your relationship. Cuddle your spouse whenever you are with her or him. Go on a vacation together. Have a romantic dinner. Always make quality time together.

9. Communicate when you’re apart

Distance should not be a hindrance to enjoying your love life or relationship. There are modern ways to communicate now. You can call, text, use social media tools or channels to communicate via chatting, voice call over the internet and video calls. Make use of applications, like Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger to stay connected with your partner.

10. Avoid social media when you’re together

If you want to improve your love life and relationship with your partner, give your utmost attention to her or him when you’re together. Avoid distractions from social media

11. Be happy for others

Get rid of the bitterness in your heart. If you want good things, wish others well and good things will come to you too. Be happy for couples who are happy with their relationships. Take a cue from them and be inspired and motivated by their love.

12. Forgive and dwell not in the past

Learn to forgive and forget. Move on, with time you will be healed. Without forgiveness, you will have a heavy heart. And you won’t have a happy journey in your love life.

13. Plan your marriage.

Don’t just make your dream of getting married a fantasy. If you and your partner are already at the legal age to marry, then consider bringing your relationship to the next level, marriage. Stop daydreaming and start wedding planning. It doesn’t need to be realized overnight. Some weddings are planned for several months or even a year. Besides, if you’re the guy, you can start by planning your marriage proposal.

14. Sharing secrets with each other

Sex does not guarantee Intimacy, but rather closeness between the two partners. If you’re feeling disconnected, try telling your partner a secret you’ve never revealed to anyone before. This can help improve your closeness and bonding.

15. Give each other space

Sometimes distance creates desire and anticipation. Distance can help revitalize a dying relationship but you need to know when to strike a balance so as not to overdo it and create more harm than good to your relationship.

“Sometimes we need time away to truly miss our partner and to remember what we have at home waiting for us,” — Miller.

16. Know your partner better

It is good to know most if not everything about your partner. Know what makes your partner happy or sad. Learn her or his favorite things. Talk more often. Be more interested in your partner. Your enthusiasm will make your love life more exciting.

In conclusion, we can see that love needs to be nurtured and jealously guarded. It is good to know most or everything listed in this post so as to make you a better lover in the future or currently. Trust the post has been helpful? kindly leave a comment if any and share with friends and family.