Tips For A Successful And Happy Marriage

Marriage is a union between two people. Marriage takes a lot of commitment and endurance. Many people do not really know how to keep a marriage and that is why the rate of divorce is becoming very high in our present day. Marriage involves a lot of forgiveness and willingness to make it work. 


There are a lot of things you need to do if you want a successful and happy marriage. The first step to having a happy and successful marriage is by knowing who you are getting married to well and also be sure you both are compatible. 

Most marriages end in deadlock because the couples did not take out time to study each other well, this is where the issue of courting comes in. Courting is a time when intending couples study each other and get to know themselves better before entering into the real thing, marriage. Another important thing to have a happy marriage is by marrying who you love. Most people get married to people they do not love due to many reasons and this in most cases leads to a failed marriage. In this article, I will be showing you some tips for a successful and happy marriage. 

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  • Spend time with each other: This is one of the ways to have a happy and successful marriage. You should learn to spend time with your partner. When you spend time with your partner, you tend to bond more and the love you have for each other will grow.
  • Learn to resolve conflicts immediately: If you want to have a happy and successful marriage, you should learn how to resolve conflicts with your partner immediately. You should not let your conflicts stay unresolved else it might lead to something worse.
  • Show respect to each other: You should learn to show respect to your partner if you want your marriage to be a happy one. You should show respect to them not only when you are alone but also when you are outside.
  • Learn to be intimate: Being intimate is another way to a happy and successful marriage. Intimacy helps you both to bond more and also increases the love between the both of you.
  • Improve your communication as partners: Communication is very important in every marriage. You need to learn how to communicate your feelings with your partner if you want your marriage to be successful. 
  • Learn to forgive: Marriage involves a lot of forgiveness. You should be ready to forgive your partner anytime they offend you. Conflicts and misunderstandings are bound to happen in every marriage but in all you have to learn to forgive them whenever they wrong you if you want your marriage to be happy. 
  • Appreciate each other: You need to learn how to appreciate your partner for the things they do for you. You should appreciate them even if they do not do much for you. When you appreciate your partner, it makes them love you and be willing to do more.
  • Celebrate good moments together: You should learn to celebrate good moments with your partner be it birthdays, childbirth, an achievement etc. Celebrating good moments together helps you both bond more.
  • Learn to love each other more: For you to have a happy and successful marriage, you should learn to love each other more. Love is one thing that keeps a marriage going. Without love, it may be hard for you both to have a happy marriage. 
  • Be faithful: For you to have a happy marriage, you need to be faithful to your partner. You should avoid cheating on your partner as this is one of the reasons why most marriages fail.
  • Learn to be honest and trust each other: You should learn to be honest with your partner at all times. You should lie to them. You also need to trust them completely and trust that they will not hurt you.
  • Support them: You should learn to support your partner in whatever that does. You need to support them to achieve their dreams and also support them in any decision they take. No one likes an unsupportive partner so you should learn to be supportive.
  • Learn to compliment your partner: Complimenting your partner makes them feel loved and happy. Learn to make it a habit of complimenting your partner. Whenever you see them, you can just tell good they look. Doing this makes them feel special.
  • Have a spiritual connection: You need to have a spiritual connection with your partner if you want a happy marriage. Whatever religion you both are, you should learn to do spiritual things together like, praying. If you are Christian’s then you need to pray together and go to church together. This helps to keep the marriage strong.
  • Be committed: To have a happy marriage, you need to be committed. Marriage involves a lot of commitment for it to work. You need to be committed to your partner and also committed to make things work.
  • Learn to be selfless: For you to have a successful marriage, you need to learn how to be selfless. When you are selfish in a marriage, you will be committed to only yourself and your happiness and this is not healthy for your marriage. 
  • Learn to do things together: As couples, you should learn to do things together. Find fun things you can do together as couples this helps you both to bond more. 
  • Learn to respect each other’s families: You should learn to respect your partner’s family. The respect you give to your partner should be the same respect you give to their family. This is one way to a happy and successful marriage. 
  • Be their best friend: You should be your partner’s best friend. You can tell them all your secrets and things bothering you. Your partner should be the only one you confide in. Doing this makes your love and bond stronger.
  • Avoid telling outsiders your partner’s flaws: You need to avoid telling people outside or your friends about your partner’s flaws. You need to respect them and keep those things within your marriage. 

These are few but effective tips for a happy marriage. Remember, love is the most important thing in a marriage and without love, it will be hard to build a happy and successful marriage.