Toke Makinwa says “Bleaching My Skin Was The Biggest Mistake Ever”

Toke Makinwa says “Bleaching My Skin Was The Biggest Mistake Ever”

Toke Makinwa, the popular on-air celebrity and television host, recently took to Twitter to share one of her deepest regrets.

Toke Makinwa

Responding to a question from a Twitter user about what she would change if she could go back in time, Toke candidly admitted that she wouldn’t have bleached her skin, emphasizing that regrets are not worth dwelling on.

Describing the act as one of the “dumbest things” she’s ever done, Toke expressed gratitude for her financial stability and good genetics, which have blessed her with naturally beautiful skin.

The revelation sparked a frenzy on Twitter as Toke’s followers reacted to her confession. The businesswoman’s acknowledgment of her past skin bleaching and her desire to turn back the clock resonated with many.

In her own words, Toke stated, “Nothing. Regret is so exhausting!!!! Wait, maybe bleaching my skin, it was the dumbest thing ever and I’m just so thankful for good genes and money cos….”

X Users reactions

Twitter users in Nigeria chimed in with their responses to Toke Makinwa’s revelation.

@cryptobaddie1: “Sis, are you really opening up to Nigerians? Risky move.”

@naturalboifilmz: “Would you reverse your BBL?”

@FavvyEagle: “So real.”

@segunizzy: “What triggered your realization that it was a mistake? Weren’t you just living your best life?”

@thatpoetclem: “Thank you for sharing. People often underestimate the damage it can cause to their skin and health.”

@phychem11: “Would you consider a less invasive procedure like a soft BBL?”

@DiceOfTruth: “Respect for your honesty. Hopefully, many will learn from this.”

By sharing her story, Toke has not only encouraged reflection and awareness but also highlighted the value of embracing one’s natural beauty and individuality. Hopefully, her journey will inspire others to prioritize self-care and authenticity, ultimately leading to a more inclusive and accepting society.

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