Umahi Educates Atiku on Coastal Road Project Costs: Says you don’t know figures

Former Vice President Atiku Abubakar’s recent critique of the Lagos-Calabar coastal road project has spurred Minister of Works, David Umahi, into action. Atiku’s concerns about secrecy surrounding the 700 km project and allegations of non-competitive bidding have prompted Umahi to address the issue head-on.

You dont know figures

Umahi dismissed Atiku’s claims as unfounded, citing a lack of understanding of the project’s financial intricacies. He expressed his intention to hold a press conference in Lagos to provide Atiku with accurate information regarding the road project.

“It’s regrettable that Atiku lacks insight into the figures,” Umahi stated. “I intend to set the record straight by presenting the facts at a press conference. If there are procurement concerns, Atiku should approach me directly instead of targeting the President.”

Affirming Tinubu’s Fiscal Prudence: Umahi’s Assertion

Umahi defended President Tinubu against allegations of extravagance, emphasizing Tinubu’s commitment to cost-effectiveness. He recounted a conversation where Tinubu urged him to reduce project costs, demonstrating the President’s fiscal responsibility.

“While contractors complain of oppression due to reduced payouts, Tinubu remains focused on prudent spending,” Umahi clarified. He pledged transparency by making project costs accessible to the public, highlighting his expertise in understanding engineering and financial matters.

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