Why are you so sad on valentine’s day?

Valentine’s day is a day set aside to celebrate love. A time to show utmost love and care to all around us. It is one of the most celebrated feast days of the catholic church and the world at large.

Valentine’s Day, also called Saint Valentine’s Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is celebrated annually on February 14. Wikipedia

It is ok to feel sad or lonely on Valentine’s Day and there is nothing abnormal about it. Valentine’s Day for some people can be a depressing day. The truth is we do not need a special day to show our love or adore our partners. For most people, they expect their partner to show their love with dinner out, a card, or a gift. And they feel disappointed if the day goes unnoticed or they’re alone on Valentine’s Day.


In this part of the world, it is considered the day when the highest number of pregnancies is recorded as the essence is classified for sexual purposes only.

And it’s so not fair. But the truth is, for singles, it’s probably even tougher. If you’ve just broken up with someone, if you’re mourning someone, if you’re feeling any sort of fresh wounds anyway, then Valentine’s Day is going to feel so much harder.

How to deal with Valentine’s Loneliness

Before you can rid yourself of these unpleasant feelings, you have to allow them in. You can accept your feelings by:

  • Writing in a journal
  • Meditating
  • Having a good cry
  • Listening to music

From some love coach experts, it is recommended to give yourself some self-care. “Focus on treating yourself special if you’re single,” Nikki Leigh, Love Coach and Host of Ready for Love Radio, tells Bustle. “Remember the first step on being ready for a healthy loving relationship is loving yourself. Hence, take this period to spoil yourself and be optimistic of a better future.

  • You may like to dress up or dress down
  • Have a incredible bubble bath if you want.
  • Plan a fantastic day or evening to totally pamper yourself just like you would pamper the ‘love of your life’.
  • Don’t torture yourself by watching romantic movies, reminiscing about the good times with your previous partner, cyberstalking your ex and his/her new lover, or drinking yourself into a stupor.

The problem is actually not Valentine’s Day

One thing you need to know is that Valentine’s Day will come and go. The problem is the feelings that come up for you on or about Valentine’s Day that matters. Do not dismiss or push away your feelings; they can provide you with important information. If you’re sad or angry, those feelings will probably show up again and again until you figure out what the root of the problem is.

Questions to help you explore feeling sad on Valentine’s Day:

  • What best describes your feelings?
  • What’s missing in your life?
  • Why do you think you’re alone or unhappy?
  • Is it possible that you’re overly self-critical or blaming yourself?
  • What kind of relationship or partner do you want?
  • What can you change in your life or yourself to bring you closer to what you want?
  • What’s holding you back?
  • What do you like about yourself?
  • What are your expectations for love? Are they being met?
  • Can you adjust your expectations to better align with reality?
  • What are you longing for?
  • What are you worried about?
  • What would you say to a friend who’s feeling sad on Valentine’s Day? Can you say that to yourself now?

Wrapping up

You need to take to do a self-reflection that can help you uncover the fears, self-defeating beliefs, and feelings that are keeping you stranded emotionally. Feeling angry, lonely, or sad on Valentine’s Day may occur but you need to deal with it as you got the capacity to overcome anything if you believe.

Ensure to notice your feelings, take note of what they’re trying to tell you, and offer yourself comfort by practicing self-care and self-compassion. Do the assessment and tell yourself you deserve to be happy and that you won’t be kept down by fears, anxiety, pains, or negative vibes. You will see the spark in you. Trust this post has been helpful? Please share with the buttons below.