Mayorkun denies knowing Influencer Nicki Dabarbie, vows to sue her

Mayorkun denies knowing Influencer Nicki Dabarbie, vows to sue her

Nigerian singer Mayorkun has publicly denied any knowledge or connection to influencer Nicki DaBarbie following her recent arrest. In a series of tweets, he stated emphatically that he has never met or interacted with Nicki DaBarbie, expressing bewilderment at the allegations linking him to her.

Mayorkun denies knowing Influencer Nicki Dabarbie, vows to sue her

While Nicki DaBarbie remains in detention, Mayorkun has pledged to take legal action against her. He voiced his frustration with how quickly false information can spread online, lamenting the ease with which people believe and share unverified news.

Mayorkun clarified that he was completely unaware of Nicki DaBarbie until the accusations surfaced. He stressed that these baseless claims have affected his personal and professional life, prompting him to speak out.

Taking a stand against the spread of misinformation, Mayorkun criticized social media users and commentators who, in their quest for attention, propagate unfounded rumors. He highlighted the damage such actions can inflict on individuals’ reputations and careers.

Mayorkun denies knowing Influencer Nicki Dabarbie, vows to sue her1

Maintaining his innocence, Mayorkun reiterated that he has never seen or interacted with Nicki DaBarbie and has no need for an apology. His primary aim is to set the record straight and pursue legal recourse to address the false allegations. Despite her current detention, he remains determined to clear his name and hold those responsible accountable.

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